SpeedQuizzing - the no cheating smartphone pub quiz for the 21st century in London and the Home Counties!
Thanks for visiting!
SpeedQuizzing London has been running successful interactive quiz events since 2013. However, since January 2025, I have rebranded to A1 SpeedQuizzing. Please visit and contact me through my new website: A1speedquizzing.com.
FAQs about London, Herts, Beds & Bucks' SpeedQuizzing Smartphone Quiz
I know... at first glance, SpeedQuizzing seems like a form of modern day witchcraft!
But there is absolutely no sorcery involved, just 21st century technology which you already own to enable you to take part in London, Herts, Beds and Bucks' liveliest smartphone pub quiz!
How does it work?
Take a look at this video.
It will give you a basic run down of the features you'll experience at a SpeedQuizzing night - but the fun is in actually being there and taking part!

Why is SpeedQuizzing better than the old fashioned pen and paper quizzes?
Virtually everyone has a smartphone these days, and don't we love to play with them constantly! A SpeedQuizzing London smartphone quiz unashamedly exploits your love of modern technology, but requires no more skill than the ability to tap your screen to answer a question. However, because of the technology involved, A SpeedQuizzing smartphone quiz is far more versatile than pen and paper, allowing sound effects, picture quizzes, team buzzers and a race against the clock!
Is SpeedQuizzing popular?
Since taking off in the north of England in the early 2010s, SpeedQuizzing has proven to be INCREDIBLY popular. Quizmasters have reported Tuesday nights as busy as Saturdays, thanks to the huge popularity of SpeedQuizzing based quizzes. I personally brought SpeedQuizzing to London back in 2014 and since then have made a success of SpeedQuizzing events across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire (see where you can play here) and am often booked for private corporate events.
How much does it cost to take part?
Most venues will be charging £3 per team member, with a maximum of six to eight members permitted per team.
How can I take part? I don't have a smartphone!
Maybe you don't, but I'm sure one of your team mates does! Only ONE smartphone or tablet is required per team. Plus I carry a dozen Kindle Fire tablets, which are available to rent at venues.
Can I use my own 3G/4G connection or the venue's own wi-fi?
No. Each phone taking part MUST be connected to the same network as the computer running The SpeedQuizzing host software, in order for me to register your answers, and keep a running tally of everyone's scores. However, my wi-fi is NOT connected to the internet, so access to the world wide web will be impossible - meaning you can't cheat by Googling the answers! Of course, one of your team mates could try cheating using another smartphone... but good luck getting the answer in 10 seconds or less!
Where can I join in?
See our current venues here, and also make sure you join The SpeedQuizzing London Facebook page for up to date info!
Who hosts The SpeedQuizzing London smartphone quiz?
Back when the business started there was just me! I'm Owen Andrew, and I am very experienced in the entertainment industry as a professional function and event DJ and quiz host. As the business has grown, I have recently taken on other SpeedQuizzing hosts who you'll be meeting soon! Fully trained and highly experienced in the world of entertainment, all of the SpeedQuizzing London hosts will give you a great night out.
I run a pub - I want this!
Give me a call! My phone number is 0800 246 1560, or drop me a message here.
How is the quiz promoted?
In a variety of ways. I promote each SpeedQuizzing event on my Facebook and Instagram social media sites, and of course it is extremely important that each venue does the same. I can also provide posters for you to display around your venue,
Is this suitable for corporate events?
It's more than suitable - it's IDEAL! Questions can be tailored to your requirements, the quiz can be adapted to suit your time constraints, and you don't need to provide a thing as your staff and guests will be using their own smartphones or tablets to take part! We are asked to host dozens of corporate and charity events a year, so just call and ask.
What other games do you offer?
After your SpeedQuizzing session is over, your evening can be extended with a game or two of Hitmix Music Bingo! Click here to find out more about this exciting new game.